The Last Five Minutes of Your Day

What do you think about at the end of the day – that last 5 minutes of half-awake/half-asleep state?
Good thoughts? Bad thoughts?
Regardless of whether your thoughts are positive or negative, I believe that your unconscious self will simply make them real (many of us know this already and yet it’s easy to forget that this is how it really works).
Think about that – your last thoughts are being sent to your unconscious self, a.k.a. the land of dreams and manifesting.
For years, I used to fall asleep watching the news. I realize now that I was sending messages of fear, murder, war and stock market data to my creative self.
Lately, I’m in the habit of watching reruns of Friends (love it!), which allows me to send messages of laughter, playfulness and creativity to my creative self. The choice is obvious, right!?
Now I get that some experts suggest NOT watching TV just prior to bedtime. But what works for some, does not necessarily work for others.
I invite you to try something new:
Make a choice about where you put your attention for the last 5 minutes of your day. Pick something that inspires you and brings a sense of fulfillment and joy to you. Try this for 21 days (creating a habit) and see what happens. Let me know, I would love to hear about the difference it makes in what you are creating and attracting in your life.
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Nancy Smyth
I say a prayer for you and me that we have courage and strength to walk the path of our life.
Christine Pouliot
I end every day with a gratitude note which I then fold up and collect in a bowl or vase at my bedside. This reminds me of the gifts of the day and keeps me focused on the positive in my life.