Overwhelm in mere minutes
I wanted to share a comfort zone that so does not serve me… inspired by yesterday’s Hay House calendar, which I just love waking up to everyday!
I notice there are days where I spend way too much time checking out other people’s messages and wisdom and learning what others are saying, blogging, video-ing and offering.
OMG, I can go from a state of inspiration to envy to overwhelm in mere minutes (and at the same time throw in a big dose of self shaming that I am not nearly as wise as everyone else).
Do you experience this?
What I realize is that I need to turn down the dial of comparison and turn up the dial of personal wisdom. I’m starting to handle this with a simple exercise each morning.
Rather than being a consumer of the news around me, I’m stepping into being a creator of the news.
I wanted to throw this out there because I think it might work for you too!
Begin your day by becoming still and go inside for just a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:
1. As I am the creator of the news of this day; what is it I want to say?
2. What is the wisdom that wants to come through me today that I might offer my tribe?
3. The “higher Me” that lives in me knows what wants to be said, what is it?
Imagine this becoming a new comfort zone that serves. What I know is this alone will begin to seed more impactful conversations, attract more folks into your tribe and set you up for the great outcome of going to bed each day being able to say “I created some great news today!”
Remember it’s about shifting from being a consumer to a creator!