My Remarkable Foundation: It’s a wrap after 28 blissful years

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“Wow… I didn’t know this was going to happen!” Have you ever heard yourself say these words?

Do you know when you know something, at a deep level? Well, that knowing has revealed itself for me.

After 28 years, and as of January 1, 2022, I have resigned from my position as senior trainer with The Co-Active Training Institute.

As passionate as I am about all things Co-Active, it’s time for me to let go of my roles as both coach trainer and leader of the Leadership Program during this time of huge transition in our world.

I find myself reflective and in awe of what I helped co-create as an early adopter inside the CTI system.

In the past 28 years…

  • I co-led over 700 coaching workshops (both public and corporate)
  • I co-led over 150 Leadership retreats (USA, Spain, Japan, China)
  • I traveled to a total of 23 countries spreading the Co-Active way
  • I racked up over 2.5 million frequent flying miles
  • I had the absolute pleasure to co-lead with at least 200 fabulous co-leaders
  • I enjoyed thousands of fun cocktails with amazing people from around the globe
  • I loved having literally 10’s of thousands of coaching conversations!

Truth be told, I loved each and every moment of it all. It’s helped me become who I am today. And I like to think that I’m a better person because of it.

Since joining CTI I’ve helped birth The Bigger Game with Laura Whitworth, and then my more recent Produce You, all on the shoulders of my foundation, a.k.a. CTI.

There are so many words to honor this moment, yet to model the first skill I ever learned at CTI, I will try to bottom line it:

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the thousands of beautiful souls I’ve encountered during this fabulous journey… from meeting Henry Kimsey-House and Cynthia Loy-Darst in NYC in 1987, to my latest on-line Synergy coaching course last month, what an amazingly joyous experience it has all been.

And a huge personal thank you to Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House and Laura Whitworth who had the dream and created the structure… and then made the choice of inviting me into this work. CTI was (and always will be) a Game Changer for me.

There are not enough pages in a journal to answer the question, “Who have I become?”  Yet, it has been such an honor to be an early adopter of this transformational work and such an honor to share it with so many around the globe.

Even though I am ending with the actual role of trainer for CTI, I will never ever stop being a very proud user, promoter and representative of Co-Active. It’s now a beautiful time for the new voices, the new talents, and the new leaders to take the Co-Active training, wisdom and magic to its next level.

Once you know The Co-Active Way, it lives on forever.

I am deeply and proudly complete!

So much love,
Rick Tamlyn, CPCC, MCC


  • Carm Ciotti-Hooper Reply

    Rick, you ask “how has co-active changed my life” I too cannot find the words only to say life altering. Not only did it change me, it changed my family. My children have adopted aspects of my learning and leadership way. They have become community leaders for the helpless and needy. For me, my work in the world has become more about healing than supporting. I am shifting this year… not sure the outcome and that’s ok. I embrace the unknown. This year it will be 12 years I was accredited and 10 years since completing Leadership as a Birch family member lead by you and LA. Countless change since that time from love to loss and heartache to moving on with determination and enthusiasm for a new chapter. All the best to you as you walk into more great things and opportunities. I do hope our paths cross again one day. A big hug from this Birch child. Namaste ?

  • Sarah Blomquist Reply

    Rick, you and L.A. changed my life for the better. Going through the Co-Active program while Cargill fundamentally changed the way I looked at the world and my work. It also allowed me to be my dad’s coach as his health was failing. While we were always close, the conversations I had with him as he laid in his hospital bed were different and richer because of what the training had unlocked in me. I am forever thankful for that. The impact you have had on this world is stunning.

  • Laura Coyle Reply

    My darling … I don’t need to tell you how much is impacted my world… Much the same as you… All those years ago in 1987… AIP on its way to becoming CTI… Can’t imagine who I would be today without it. And anyone else reading this take yourself to the next level and do “produce you” with Rik and Chuck (and Jocelynn ) you won’t be sorry ?????.

  • Pooja Kumar Reply

    Rick , the Co-active way has completely changed my life and now, I have the pleasure to give back to so many people. Learning from you and LA has been a game-changer for me and I can’t thank you, and IBM enough! Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing all the exciting stuff you are doing next

  • Kari McGrath Reply

    I think of you every time someone cries in a coaching session. The words, “Because it matters” immediately pop into my head. Co-Active taught me how to be with that kind of emotion without rushing to fix it or clean it up. You taught me to recognize that it was happening because the “thing” mattered. My life and relationships are deeper because of the curiosity that co-active coaching has unleashed in me. Thank you, Rick, for your coaching, your leadership and your generous spirit.

  • Rick Reply

    Thank u all for your beautiful comments……and for taking time to share your words of acknowledgment! I will treasure these for weeks, months and years to come!

  • Audrey Yi Reply

    Hi Rick – a little late in my reply here but I wanted to take a moment to respond to your question of “how has the Co-Active way impacted you and your life?” The Balance session that you co-led in Chicago May 2017 will forever leave a lasting imprint with me. There was a moment during the weekend when you named how tired I might be from being in a constant state of “proving and pushing” and offered a new perspective/way of being of “trusting and allowing.” My journey living the Co-Active way has shifted my perspective and way of being profoundly in all aspects of my life (really trusting that the Doing comes from the Being). I’m grateful for the journey (and that we’re never ‘done’ with it ), for the deep relationships I’ve developed along the way, and for self-love/trust that I’ve found. Thank you, Rick, for your coaching and your inspiration… and for being an important catalyst for me along the way!

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