It’s a Fast-Paced World: Are you in the flow?

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Let’s talk about flow. It’s something I’ve been reflecting on a lot lately — what does it actually mean to be in flow? And maybe even more importantly, what does it mean to be out of flow?

Think about it. When do you feel like everything is just moving naturally, like you’re in sync with life? For me, flow is about ease, creativity, and this sense of fluidity. It’s like water in a river — sometimes it moves fast, sometimes slow, sometimes it hits obstacles, but it always keeps moving.

Now, let’s consider the opposite for a minute. When I’m not in flow, I’m often in fear. It’s funny how those two words start with the same letter, but they couldn’t be more different. When fear takes over, it’s like everything grinds to a halt. The creativity stops. The ease disappears. It feels like I’m stuck in place.

Life, though, is rarely about getting everything perfectly aligned. We all know that, right? It’s not like you’re going to reach this magical moment where you’ve got your money, your home, and your relationships all sorted, and then boom — you’re in flow. Nope, because life is always in motion. And so are we.

What I’ve realized is that flow is less about what’s happening outside of us and more about what’s going on inside. It’s about being fluid with your emotions, letting them come and go, rather than trying to bottle them up or manage them to perfection. And when you’re truly in flow, you’re not resisting or fighting against your experience; you’re embracing it.

One of the best ways to find flow again when life feels chaotic? For me, it’s Nature. Nature is always in flow. Whether it’s a gentle breeze, a flowing river, or even the cycles of the seasons — nature reminds me that flow is about constant motion and change.

So, when you feel out of sync, maybe take a walk, talk to someone you trust, or just slow down and remember who you really are. Flow is always there; sometimes we just need to reconnect with it.



  • Shaye Woodward Reply

    Sometimes I get back to flow when I sit on my back deck and just step out of my house. I don’t have to go far and there could be all the construction going on in our new neighborhood but it’s getting out of the home office, getting out of the craziness feeling and into breathing moment.

  • Debby Doig Reply

    Watch the leaves dance on the trees

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