From News to Creator: Taking control of your narrative

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This week, I want to shake things up a bit.

If you’ve been hanging out in my world, you know I’m all about living intentionally, and so today, I’m diving into how we engage with the news.

We’re bombarded with it every day—on our phones, TVs, and every screen in between. It’s easy to get sucked into the cycle of fear-based news that keeps us coming back for more.

But here’s a little life hack I’ve been thinking about: Instead of just consuming the news, why not become a creator of your own? Every day, in your family, at work, or in your community, you’re already generating news—whether you realize it or not. The conversations you have, the stories you share, and the energy you bring to those around you—that’s your news.

So, what are you talking about with the people in your life? What’s the focus of your conversations? That’s the news you’re putting out into the world. The big idea here is to shift from passively absorbing what’s thrown at us to actively shaping the narrative in our own environments.

Here’s a tip: Start small. Pick one conversation today where you consciously choose to focus on something positive, something that uplifts or inspires. Notice how that shifts the energy, not just for you, but for everyone involved.

And here’s another: Set an intention each morning for the kind of news you want to create. Maybe it’s about bringing more kindness into your interactions, or maybe it’s about sparking creativity in your team. Whatever it is, be deliberate.

So, this week, I invite you to step into the role of a news creator. Be mindful of the stories you’re telling and the energy you’re putting out there. Let’s create news that’s worth sharing—news that lifts us all up.

Wishing you a week filled with peace, love, and a whole lot of ease. Go out there and make some amazing news!

Peace and ease,


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