Finding your own expensive boat

I’m in Spain right now for work, and was fortunate to have the time to walk along the Mediterranean on a gorgeous sunny afternoon prior to starting my work.
Since I was a kid, I’ve always loved boats, so needless to say when I came across a marina full of boats I stopped to gaze at the beauty and wonder of it all.
I found myself saying, “Gosh those boats are expensive, I’ll never be able to afford one of those!”
Next up: jealousy! I was actually jealous of the people who could afford those boats.
Huh? Why did I immediately go to ‘I’ll never be able to afford one of those?” And jealousy? Not a pretty color on me!
Fortunately, I quickly snapped out of it and remembered what I teach… life is all made up!
Possibly, these boat owners are simply more creative with generating income in their life. We all have that creative capability in us… every single one of us! And yes, at times we forget and it can seem hard.
When that happens, we should ask ourselves, “What’s the next level of creating more with my life?”
So you get that this is not about owning a big boat, although that would be fun. It’s about there is so much out in the world to be created, and do you have the creative mindset and personal desire to create it. And then, do you have the openness and willingness to receive it, without any sense of guilt, shame, or embarrassment?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Dean Regan
The lyric from William Finn’s off-Broadway musical “A New Brain” reads:
I’d rather be sailing, yes, I would
On an open sea.
I’d stand at the railing if I could,
Feeling WILD AND FREE. (Capitals added as if declaring into the wind!)
The musical poetry inspires me to remember those time on sea (and on land) when I’ve had the perspective to know that it’s up to me how I respond to life. I can fight against life, or ignore life or raise my perspective to be who I want to be in EVERY MOMENT. “Wild and Free” is what sailing brings up for me. Images of magnificent vistas inspiring new perspectives. Remembering that Life is a big, impressive, flowing, melody and I can sing in concert with it or I can create a disodent harmony, If, as Rick notes, “Life is all made up,” and I agree that it is; I want to make up a harmony line to the life that I see that inspire me, and uplifts me. The way I do that is to take the time out — like now — early on a Sunday morning and declare to the whole blogging ocean that I am inspired to life this day WILD AND FREE. I plan to “Live in Concert with Life!” – Dean
Rick Tamlyn
Thanks Dean– I love how you see life so often through great lyrics! I think we all need to do that more and more ourselves– thus your good work is so needed!