Feeling Alone in Your Journey? Here’s why I still seek support after 65 years

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In all my years of coaching, speaking, and playing my Bigger Game, one truth keeps coming back to me: the power of community.

I first realized this in a big way during my early days in New York City. I was an aspiring actor then, lost in the vastness of a city where everyone seemed to be chasing the same dream. Amidst thousands of hopefuls, I felt like just another face in the crowd. I was surrounded by people but still felt utterly alone.

Then, something changed. I found the Actor’s Information Project—a group that wasn’t just about resources or networking but about belonging. Suddenly, I wasn’t just one person trying to make it; I was part of a group of 50 like-minded individuals, all striving for the same goal. We lifted each other up, shared our wins and our stumbles, and grew together. That sense of community didn’t just change my experience in the city; it transformed my entire approach to my career and life.

Fast forward to today — I’m 65 now, and the lesson still rings true: we don’t have to go it alone. In fact, we shouldn’t.

Even with all my years of experience, I still seek support every step of the way. I lean on my business coach, my therapist, my brothers, my husband, and a few close friends. They are my sounding boards, my cheerleaders, and my reality checks. Through them, I stay grounded, get fresh perspectives, and keep my focus on what truly matters. It’s not about having all the answers or having it all figured out; it’s about staying in the game, growing continuously, and making a difference.

So, if you ever catch yourself thinking, “I should have figured this out by now,” take a breath and remember: life is an ongoing journey.

Surround yourself with people who uplift you, challenge you, and help you Play Your Bigger Game. Trust me, if you build a community around you, you’ll achieve far more than you ever could on your own.

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