Learn how to create
a Masterclass experience that attracts
your perfect clients.

Join Rick Tamlyn for a
kick-ass-no-kidding-make-it-real 4-Day Challenge!


This training will be delivered via "Facebook Live"
July 15 thru 19; starting at 9:00 am PST each day.

Each training will be between 30-45 minutes and available to view at any time inside the private Facebook page for this training.

In just 4 days, you’ll learn to create your very own
Activational Masterclass 
that you will deliver right away. 

Using a proven step-by-step process that will help you attract new clients and grow your business, you will:

  • Decide – Identify your topic and create a compelling title.

  • Distribute – Learn the fastest ways to enroll and attract the right people. 

  • Design – Discover a design flow that will have your topic move from ‘sharing information' to creating a 'transformational conversation.'

  • Dynamic Presence – Discover how to ‘bring it full on' as a leader of your Zoom experience (people are moved by your passion more than your content).


  • Direction – Identify your desired outcome. What do you want your audience to do next? Work with you? Join another class? Buy your product? Join your mailing list?

  • Deliver – Upon completing the Day Four Module, you will then deliver your brand new Activational Masterclass on Zoom – on Friday, July 20th – why wait, right?!

Speak to Serve

Create a Masterclass experience
that will attract your perfect clients.

Attend this training challenge and:

  • Learn the power of an Activational Masterclass versus a traditional training.
  • Build your list of followers on various social media platforms.
  • Experience the art of designing and delivering a Masterclass fast (success loves speed).
  • Gain a jumpstart of creative momentum that will have lasting impact.
  • Discover how to deliver a co-created experience vs. a "download at" experience.

And oh, by the way, I promise to make it fun too. If you’re not having fun along the way, then what’s the point?!


Are you ready to create and deliver your own Activational Masterclass experience? What have you got to lose... other than having your great knowledge not go out into the world? And that is so not OK with me!



Ricky T.


After the Challenge, we’ll meet live on Zoom and unpack together your learnings so that you go to your next level of impact and success with your good work.

That's a Wrap Zoom Bonus is scheduled for
Monday, July 22 at 9:00 am PT.

Are you ready to create
your very own
in just in 4 days?

Join me for this exclusive complimentary Challenge
via "Facebook Live" July 15 thru 19, 2024.
I'll broadcast live each day starting at 9:00 am PT.
Can't attend live? No worries... all of the recordings and training information will be available inside our private Facebook group page.

Reserve my seat!

Your info is safe with me—I'll never share your email.

Meet Rick Tamlyn

Rick Tamlyn inspires people to be their best. 

He teaches that every experience, emotion, reaction, and relationship is All Made Up. As an author, activational keynote speaker, co-active trainer and thought leader in the inspiration business, Rick has delivered his message around the world to people and organizations from all walks of life.


In 2001, Rick co-created The Bigger Game: a tool that inspires people from all walks of life to get out of their comfort zones and invent the lives they want.

He is the author of Play Your Bigger Game: 9 Minutes to Learn, A Lifetime to Live (Hay House).

Learn more: