Beyond Limits: How writing 1,000 goals will transform everything

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So, I’ve been thinking a lot about goals lately. You know… the big ones, the small ones, and all the ones in between.

I came across this book called A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to hit me the way it did, but there’s this one chapter that got me thinking in a whole new way.

Gikandi talks about having, get this, 5,000 goals. Yeah, you heard that right — five thousand! My first reaction was, “Whoa, that’s a bit much, isn’t it?” But the more I thought about it, the more it started to make sense. We tend to limit ourselves to a handful of big goals — like career milestones or personal achievements — but why not expand that list?

What if we gave ourselves permission to dream on a much larger scale?

Here’s the thing: Goals are like these little seeds we plant in the universe. The more seeds, the more opportunities for something amazing to grow. And when you finally reach a goal, it’s almost like the energy around it dissipates because you’ve arrived. That’s why it’s so important to keep setting new ones, to keep that energy alive and flowing.

So, I decided to try something new. I’m challenging myself to write down 1,000 goals (yeah, I’m starting with 1,000, not 5,000—gotta ease into this, right?). It’s not just about the big dreams, though. It’s everything from making a difference on a global scale to something as simple as getting that coffee maker I’ve had my eye on.

This isn’t just a list; it’s a way of telling the universe, “I’m open to more.” And let me tell you, that feels pretty darn good. It’s like giving myself permission to want what I want without any guilt or second-guessing.

I want to invite you to give it a shot. Start writing down your goals — big, small, and everything in between.

Don’t hold back. Let’s see what happens when you allow yourself to want more and to believe you deserve it. I’ve got a feeling the universe is ready to deliver.

Let’s do this together. Who knows where we’ll end up?


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