Meet My Old Friend “Doubt”
I woke up the other morning with a huge dose of doubt. Ugh! Really? Seriously? Why now? You see, “doubt” and I have had a
I woke up the other morning with a huge dose of doubt. Ugh! Really? Seriously? Why now? You see, “doubt” and I have had a
Hi friends, My theme for 2016 is… IMPACT. I’m tired of business as usual in my life, and I’m committed to really shake things up.
Hi friends, As I enter into 2016, I have had this inner pull to “up the game” – for me and for my coaching practice.
Have you ever dreamed up the best idea ever, gone over it in your head a million times, and were so sure of its success? Only to have it backfire, or flop, or not have the outcome you intended?
This happened to me at the Bigger Game Expo last summer. For our opening session, Chuck and I wanted to recreate the final dance number from Dirty Dancing. The venue, Silver Bay YMCA, is reminiscent of the location used in the movie, and we knew it would be a fun way to start the Expo!
We began with a series of iconic movie clips on a giant screen that directly related to each of the Bigger Game Board squares. The last clip was the beginning of the dance sequence in Dirty Dancing, and we then orchestrated a tricky maneuver where the screen went away and standing live on stage was “Baby” from Dirty Dancing.
It was all working brilliantly, and just before “Baby” was to jump off the stage and into the arms of “Johnny,” the music stopped. It just went dead.
There was a split second of panic, but then to the credit of our two amazing dancers, Broadway star Aubrey Lynch and my niece Autumn Tamlyn, they continued the dance, without missing a beat, as if nothing happened.
The music stopped, and yet the show continued!
This happens a lot in life, doesn’t it? Just when you think you have it all figured out, something comes from out of nowhere and you’re left in a very different place than you had planned.
We had practiced and practiced (and probably over-practiced) the opening number, and each time it just kept getting better and better. We knew we had an opening session that would have folks say, “WOW!”
Little did we anticipate that my laptop computer would decide to slam shut from the stage vibrating with dancers on it, thus shutting down the music being piped into the auditorium!
The universe can have a funny way of throwing us a curve ball every once in a while. What do you do when this happens? [Tweet “What do you do when the music stops?”]
For me, I’ve learned to follow these four (4) simple tips:
I still think back to that opening number, and for the most part I’m thrilled with the unexpected way it all happened. Sure, I can let myself become upset that the music stopped (I’m human after all!), but in the big picture of this thing called life, I know in my heart it all happened exactly as it should have.
What about you? I’d love to hear what you’ve done when the music has stopped in your life.
Hi friends, There’s nothing like Springtime in the Rocky Mountains, right?! I’m so very excited to announce that I’ll be presenting The Bigger Game (along
I was honored to be interviewed about The Bigger Game for The Free Tools Project. Thank you Shannon Kelly for taking the time to do this!
This is a short video asking well respected Life Coaches, “What do REAL coaches do?” allowing for a deeper exploration of what coaching is about from their perspective and training. Joe Drogo, ACC, & Nina Segura, MA, CSSBB, CPCC, interview Rick.
I’m almost home for the holidays, and so looking forward to some down time with family and friends!
Chuck and I make it a tradition to “dream big” over the holidays, and map out all the things we’d like to do, the events we’d like to create, and the places we’d like to visit in the next year. When we do this together, nothing is off the table – the goal is to dream big!
It doesn’t really matter if everything ultimately happens or not. The idea is to get into that fun creative energy where everything and anything in life is possible. For me, it’s a much better place to hang out. Remember, it’s all made up J.
Dan Pallotta, our closing keynote speaker at The Bigger Game Expo, talked about innovation and dreaming big. I loved it when he said, “the world does not need practical people. The world needs more dreamers.”
Wishing you and yours a fun and dream-filled holiday season!
With thanks and gratitude,
Hi friends, The Bigger Game Living Retreat will take you out of your comfort zones, help you discover what you’re “hungry” for, and compel you
What’s your passion? What makes you tick? What gets you so excited, that you can’t wait to get out of bed each morning and start